Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Study: Most Facebook apps are silly, pointless


The title of the article from CNet is "Study reveals shocking truth: Most Facebook apps are silly, pointless".

"Shocking truth"???? It may be a shock to CNet, but I bet it is not shock to the millions of FaceBook users who wastes their time on FaceBook. Here's my post on why Social Networking = Social, NOT Working back in Feb of this year.

So according to the chart below by Flowing Data, roughly 14,000 of the 23,160 FaceBook apps fall under "Just for Fun", "Gaming", or "Sports" Category. We have yet to count in "Dating", "Chat", "Messaging", "Photos", "Fashion" and "Filesharing" which each have between 200 to 1800 apps.

Again, this is not me bashing Social Networks - I use them. I am just saying that people waste their companies' time on them.

Now from a brand advertisers perspective, this is a goldmine of niche marketing, or dare I say, "long-tail" marketing.

One thing to remember though, this is NOT a Google killer, and will never be. People go to social networks to be "social". They go to Google when they are looking for something. Advertise on the former and you are trying to get their attention when they are doing something else. With the latter, you are advertising when they want your product (or your competitor's product). The second one gets the better ROI every day. As I say, this is the difference between Online Marketing and Ecommerce, between Marketing and Sales, between Yahoo's business model and Amazon's business model.

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